Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Ken Sean Carson's 50th Birthday

Ken Sean Carson, better known as Ken or the fictional boyfriend of Barbie, was first introduced in 1961. This means he will be turning 50 next year.

To celebrate, etalk has teamed up with Director Adam Makarenko and myself to animate a few segments for the show.

The segments air now until mid February on CTV's Etalk.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How We Made RSR - You Don't Exist

Finally some time has opened up, and I was able to assemble the pre-production home video footage for Reverie Sound Revue's music video Directed by Jesse Ewles.

In Part one, we explore the EMC studio as Daijiro Hama and Yukiko Hara design and craft together a dress. The Dress is partially constructed from parts of a garbage monster designed by Winston Hacking and built by Exploding Motor Car.

After scrambling through 10 hours of footage for the last month and a half, I've finally finished editing Part 2 of the Reverie Sound Revue home video footage.

In part 2, we finalize set dressing and begin shooting the video. Making appearances are Jesse Ewles, Marc De Pape, Kenji Sato, Beth Gondek and Ria Jones of Apt. 909.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Ten Million to One

My Cousin is once again at it in the Fringe Festival. Taking over London and Hamilton venues. This year his act is based off chance and probability called "Ten Million to One" This year I have animated sequences incorporated into the show. It's all stop motion animation shot off the wall, with a few cut out overheads and a projector.

Here are some still images of the animation.

Go check him out. Here is his website for all the info! Fingers crossed but a Toronto show is on the way!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Resident Rob

"Resident Rob" is a portrait video that focuses on Rob Ferguson; a friend from my hometown who's interests revolve around video games, especially Resident Evil. Robs passion for Resident Evil has lead him wanting a tattoo of the Umbrella Corporation logo for quite some time. While filming, Rob explained his interest in Toronto and how he wants to go there. As a surprise, his friend Billy Housh and I decided to take him there when they were shooting the movie "Resident Evil 2". It was awesome!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

How We Made Ohbijou - New Years.

The people at The International Film Fest Breda have asked Exploding Motor Car to show some of their content at the 2010 festival. The music video we made for Ohbijou will be screening and when asked to show some stills or videos of us making it I decided to finish assembling the footage I had shot, to give to them.

While working on the music video, we documented the process and tried to capture just about every step of the way. 8 hours of footage later, I have built this behind scenes for the festival in two parts.

Friday, January 01, 2010

Romo Roto - Caterpillar Massacre

Here is a fast paced music video we created for friends Tomas and Alex for their band Romo Roto.

check the band out here!
hope you enjoy!

Man Made Hill - Kool Cops

Before the Christmas break I had the opportunity to work with Randall Gagne of Man Made Hill.

Here is the music video I helped out with.